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Top 5 April Fool Pranks in History - Fuuuu

Top 5 April Fool Pranks in History

The following post will give you a glimpse of the entire history in a rather funny manner. We have done our little research on the most popular April Fool pranks in history and hand picked 5 of the most interesting ones.

Here goes the list:

05. The Rain Diverting BMW Open Top Car

1983: In 1983, BMW’s UK Division came up with a newspaper ad that they have designed a sunroof that you can keep open even during rains as jets of air will deflect the water away from the car. People who seek more info were asked to contact a certain “Miss April Wurst” at the marketing department.


04. The Smell-O-Vision

1965: A London University Professor announced that he has invented a technology where you can smell things you see on Television. Interestingly a lot of people confirmed that they did smell the scents, some even said that the onions wet their eyes.



03. The infamous GMail Motion

2011: On April 1, 2011, Google made an announcement that their new technology would enable people to compose emails using the movement of their hands. The company said that it is made possible using your computer’s webcam and the spatial tracking algorithm”. Google had been coming up with interesting April Fool Pranks ever since but this is one of their most believable pranks.


02. The Food Machine By Thomas Edison

1878: After the great Thomas Edison invented Phonograph, Americans religiously believed that Mr. Edison is a genius in every right. The New York Graphic used this belief to turn it into a potential April Fool Prank, they announced that Mar. Edison has invented a Food Machine that will end the issue of world hunger, this is a machine which will transform soil into cereals and water into wine. The American media believed the hoax and republished the news.



01. Nixon for President again?

1992: On April 1, 1992, A Radio Show announced that in a surprising move, Richard Nixon will run for President again. The slogan for his new campaign was “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I won’t do it again. The show received floods of phone calls by the public, most of them were shocked or outraged. Later it was confirmed that it was a joke and the voice was impersonated.


Images courtesy: Hoaxes.org