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31 Brand Logos with Clever Hidden Meanings - Page 2 of 3 - Fuuuu

31 Brand Logos with Clever Hidden Meanings

13. Flight Finder: The Logo of Flight Finder encapsulates a flight and the initials of the company very cleverly.

Flight Finder


14. Freedom: If you see, there is a bird flying out of M at the end, that signifies a Free Bird.



15. Goodwill: It is not just a G, it is also a smiling face for a brand name that sounds really happy.



16. Google: Google’s Logo has a mixed use of colors, this simply means that they don’t function by rules.



17. Horror Films: That’s a Film Reel giving us a scary expression.

Horror Films


18. IBM: The Blue Lines in IBM’s Logo resembles the mathematical Equal sign, signifying Equality.



19. Lion Bird: And how beautifully this logo embellished the face of a Lion in the shape of a Bird.

Lion Bird


20. Magic Coffee: As you can see that’s a coffee Mug, which also resembles a Magician’s hat.

Magic Coffee


More on Page 3!